Healthy Start! – Start 2021 with a new plan!Healthy Start! –
This is comprised of
- Blood tests
- Initial Consultation with Celina
- Followup Consultation with Celina
Going to a nutritionist is a good way of assisting your doctor’s plan for you to live a healthy lifestyle. To do that, we discuss your lifestyle, eating habits and will use this information to put together and ideal meal plan for you. This will include strategies for preparing food for your family and dealing with special events like socializing and traveling. Here are my top 10 reasons that you should see a nutritionist. 1. Food allergy testing followed by an elimination diet: Food allergy/sensitivity testing is a great tool to help you identify the foods that may be causing inflammation or symptoms of disease. We can help you identify foods that trigger inflammatory reactions. Following an elimination diet my guidance of the nutritionist, you get help to make dietary changes in a simple way. 2. Digestive Issues: Diarrhea, constipation, irregular bowel movements, heartburn and acid reflux are common symptoms of digestive disturbance and are often diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Understand your digestive process and improve your well-being by helping you identify the root cause of your discomfort. 3. Weight Management: Perhaps you have tried many diets and ended up frustrated ? Weight management is more than calories in and calories out. With an individualised meal plan and lifestyle program, you achieve your weight management goals in a safe, gradual, and manageable way. 4. Abnormal Lab Values: As a nutritionist, we are trained to help you assess your dietary intake as it relates to the effects of food on your body. Abnormal blood tests like glucose, iron, cholesterol or thyroid function, may show you how the body is reacting to what you are eating or to your lifestyle choices. ProCare Medical Laboratory uses reliable equipments from Germany and Japan to provide the most reliable diagnostic. ProCare Medical Laboratory is the best Medical laboratory in Curepipe. 5. Mood Disorders: There is a clear link between the body and the mind. With regular exercise it helps you achieve a peaceful state by burning off the stress hormones. Good nutrition is a key tool in the armamentarium your doctor uses to restore you health. Planning a food plan can make a great difference. 6. Fertility Issues or Planning a Pregnancy: Meeting with a nutritionist can be helpful to optimize your health throughout conception, pregnancy and birth. 7. Eating Disorders and “Choosy Eaters”: It is easy to feel unable to cope with certain food. At this difficult time, it is crucial to meet with a professional who can walk with you hand in hand as you recover and help restore your health. An eating disorder can have many faces, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa or “disordered eating” where a person chooses to eat only certain foods with specific colors or textures. 8. Meal Planning: Successfully planning your meals and portion size is a key thing in achieving success in managing your weight and your food intake. Together we can work on what would make sense for you to be able to cook/make in short times and also to bring variety to your lifestyle. 9. Sports Athletes who need a competitive edge or would like to boost their performance should focus on nutrition intake. The amount of energy, macro and micro nutrients as well as meal timing can make a big difference in performance. 10. Improve Current Eating Habits: Every special diet has an impact on your health. Switching from a regular diet to a vegan diet doesn’t necessarily mean you will be healthier. Particularly in Mauritius there is 1 on 4 people likely is suffering or is likely to suffer from diabetes. ITogether we will find the best food that would do the most good for your body and your health condition. Mention that you read this blog and you will receive your first one hour nutrition visit with me for $69. This is an excellent way to find out if you can benefit from seeing a nutritionist. This offer is valid for a limited time so feel free to come in and benefit from it. (Valid until Jan 2021)